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Admicom BIM3
Information modeling software

Comprehensive software for utilising data models in the entire building production process 

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Admicom BIM3

Admicom BIM3 provides a comprehensive and flexible solution for utilising data models throughout the entire building production process. 

BIM3 is designed for using IFC files from construction industry design applications in quantity and cost calculation and scheduling. With BIM3, you can open an IFC file and view the 3D model of the building along with information about the objects in the model. 

The Admicom BIM3 solution includes three profiles: BIM3 Manager, BIM3 Calculation, and BIM3 Production. 

4 reasons to choose Admicom BIM3

Efficient information utilization

In Admicom BIM3, information can be processed and shared for use in all functions and phases of the construction project. 

Visualising construction lifecycle management

Schedules, costs, procurement, and their associated risks can be more accurately assessed, enhancing the efficiency of managing the entire building’s life cycle.

Easy and fast quantity measurement

Extracting quantities directly from models to Estima Premium speeds up the cost calculations for projects and the creation of offers.

Suitable for all parties

BIM3 is suitable for designers, contractors, and BIM coordinators. The three different profiles profiles—Manager, Calculation, and Production—serve different purposes.

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Admicom BIM3 – Key features

Admicom BIM3 includes three profiles, read more about the features below.

BIM3 Manager

BIM3 Manager is designed to review and modify IFC models for suitability in estimation and production. Key features include:

  • Dividing the model into blocks
  • Adding property information to objects
  • Combining models and performing collision checks

Automation and the use of inspection rules expedite model modification and inspection. Multiple models can be inspected simultaneously, and information can be gathered for various purposes. 

BIM3 Calculation

Admicom BIM3 Calculation

  • Automates and visualises the entire quantity take-off process with rule based QTO
  • Enables location-based quantity take-off
  • Includes a cut function to analyse the model 

Achieve a tenfold faster quantity take-off using customised rulesets.  

The calculation module adds quantity information to the model based on object geometry, and the cutting function allows viewing cross-sections at freely chosen points. 

Quantity information from BIM3 seamlessly links with Estima Premium for cost estimation.  

BIM3 Production

Admicom BIM3 Production brings the benefits of information modeling to work management and subcontractors.

BIM3 Production:

  • Visualises schedule information
  • Displays subcontractors' work and their locations
  • Supports lean principles
With a clear user interface, subcontractors can get a 3D view of their upcoming work, such as next week's concrete work. BIM3 Production strongly supports the use of lean principles.
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Would you like to learn more about BIM3?

Leave a contact request and our expert will show you how our software solutions make your company’s everyday life easier.

We also offer a free 2-week trial for you to review the possibilities and benefits of the solution.